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Global maximum speed setting

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:43 pm
by zenfukid
I live in a nursing home and share the wifi with all the other residents. So I don't EVER want Usenetic to run un-throttled. But there are times like between 11pm and 6am where I can get away with a little more speed. Adding a global Maximum speed control could work together with the current bandwidth limiter to always make sure I never take more than my fair share of bandwidth, but can speed things up a bit when it's late at night, or a weekend.

Thanks for considering my feature request.


Re: Global maximum speed setting

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:59 pm
by Support
Hi Kim,

That is a nasty thing to build and I am afraid it won't be very popular.
Perhaps a nice feature for a distant future release, but for now you should do it with the Bandwidth Limiter.

Thanks for you input.